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AVAAL Express Trucking Management Software Overview

Avaal Express is a comprehensive trucking management software solution incorporating dispatching, fleet management, driver management, safety and compliance, and accounting from a single easy-to-use platform.

Avaal Express is available in different versions, tailor-fit to meet your requirements and needs. Current modules available include Dispatch Software, Freight Broker Software, and Auto Hauler Software as well as an online (Hosted Version). Choose the version best suited for your company and we will provide you with a demonstration on how to incorporate Avaal Express with your current daily operations.

AEM Software Overview

CORE Integration

AVAAL suite of products can be integrated with any API enabled 3rd party providers.

CORE Integration

We Partner:

samsara KeepTrucking

ELDs Integration

Get your Samsara and Keeptruckin ELDs integration with AEM.


24 x 7 Support available on Call and Chat.

Annual or Monthly Subscription

Our pricing model offers you optimal flexibility to be aligned with your financial needs.

Desktop Based Freight Management Software

Desktop Based Freight Management Software

AED are software solutions for Carriers, Freight Brokers, and Freight Forwarders. They offer the ultimate solution for freight accounting, freight auditing, freight tracking and many other freight management services. You can manage multiple freight, send and receive important documents, access status of shipments, manage profitability and analyze financial trends conveniently in one single place.

  • Integration with EDIs ELDs,and Quick Books
  • AED Driver App to track your shipment.
  • Simple and Fast user interface
  • 24/7 Live customer support

Avaal Dispatch Software is friendly, quite easy to use and great value. The support is permanent.

Jacob Martin

I wanted to thank Avaal for providing us with great support. Your team has always helped us to the extent where we are completely satisfied with the service & product. Please inform us of any new features that will be added on the software. The software is working well for us and our accounting department is more comfortable on using this system. Keep up the good work.

Satwant Singh ( President of Silver Start Transportation )

Avaal Express dispatch software has made our operation more efficient. Various modules within the program are well integrated that enables us to generate different operational reports including driver and owner operator statements in one stop. We put a lot of value into the professional approach made by Avaal development team who have always been available to provide technical support and training to our staff. Having utilized Avaal Express software in our system for only 5 months, we have already observed substantial improvements in our operations.

Essi Torabi

Our company has been with Avaal since 2008 and we are proud to say our productivity rate has always been at its maximum. Avaal has a dedicated team of individuals who are there to support you every step of the way.

Binny (Speed X Logistics)

Frequently Asked Questions

How to split a trip?

In Dispatch board, click an open trip and click Split Trip. It will ask you for a new stop with date and time. Fill in the date and time and hit OK to confirm.

How to join two or more trips?

To consolidate two or more trips, click on Consolidate button in dispatch board. A new window will pop up. Choose the trips you want to consolidate and click OK. A new trip will all chosen trips consolidated will be created.

How to prefix an Order or trip number with alphabets?

To prefix and Order or trip, click Set up and choose Company Settings. Choose the company name and click Edit button. Fill in the desired alphabets under Trip Prefix and Order Prefix. Please note that you can add up to five characters as prefix.

How to edit Truck, trailer and Customer information?

Usually, one cannot edit Truck, trailer and customer information with regular login. You need to login with an administrator account to make any changes.

How to pay Truck Owner?

To pay a truck owner, you need to get into Accounting and choose Driver/Carrier Settlement. Create a driver/carrier settlement and then get into Accounting and choose Payments to add or deduct truck owner's expenses.

More FAQs