What is e-Manifest?
Customs Border Protection (CBP) now requires all carriers to submit electronic manifests through their Automated Commercial Environment (ACE). Avaal’s e-Manifest is certified by the U.S CBP after undergoing an extensive and rigorous testing process to ensure compatibility.
How do I know if I need e-Manifest?
Avaal’s e-Manifest software is custom tailored to meet your requirements and provides the greatest level of flexibility and ease-of-use in the market. Whether you are a single operator or a multi-national corporation, Avaal has an e-Manifest plan to suit your needs.
Is ACE e-Manifest mandatory to cross the border?
Yes, Ace e-manifest is mandatory to cross US border. The driver should have an Entry number before he/she crosses the US border, otherwise customs can fine the driver for not submitting an electronic manifest.
How do I sign up for Avaal e-Manifest?
Please make sure you have read through our pricing then follow this link.
Is PAPS sticker mandatory on the papers?
No, PAPS sticker is not mandatory on the papers but there must be a SCAC code and number under which a customs broker can clear your shipment.
Is PARS sticker mandatory on the papers?
Yes, PARS sticker is mandatory on the papers.
How many PAPS stickers do we need if there is more than one shipper, consignee or invoice?
You need to use as many PAPS stickers as there are shippers or consignees or invoices. For example, if you have 2 shippers and one consignee then you need to put 2 PAPS stickers on invoices. If there is 1 shipper and 2 consignees even then you need to put 2 PAPS sticker on invoices.
Why is my manifest status rejected and how can I fix it?
There can be various reasons for a rejected manifest. The most common reason is reusing a previous used PAPS number. You need to put a new PAPS number to resolve this.
Other main reasons can be driver, truck, trailer, port code or time of arrival information entered incorrectly.
What if my truck plate number is changed?
If a truck plate number is changed, then you need to change it into Avaal e-manifest system and the customs system as well.
You can call Avaal and let our representative change the truck plate numbers on the customs system.
How to create an Empty Trailer manifest?
1) To create an empty trailer manifest, you need not to create a shipment and no Entry number will be required.
2) Click Create New Manifest and choose Trip number, Port, Date and Time and Manifest Type should be Empty Trailer. Click Save and enter trip details.
3) Note that when you add Crew member, it will ask you to add Company address in US where the driver is going to.
How to create Empty skids or IIT or empty Chep pallets manifest?
1) To create an empty skid manifest, you need not to create a shipment and no Entry number will be required.
2) Click Create New Manifest and choose Trip number, Port, Date and Time and Manifest Type should be Empty Trailer and IIT should be IITs covered by importer bond plus merchandise. Click Save and enter trip details.
3) Note that when you add Crew member, it will ask you to add Company address in US where the driver is going to.
How to add a Passenger?
1) To add a Passenger only for one time only, click Add Passenger. Enter passenger information and Save it.
2) To add a Passenger for multiple times, add that person as a driver and choose as a second crew member. Then, click on driver name and edit it. At the bottom of edit page, change driver’s role on trip from Crew Member to Passenger and save it.
How to look for and create a shipment under Section 321?
If a shipment value is under $200 then it can be created under Section 321. Broker doesn’t need to provide an entry number for this kind of shipments and thus need not to send to broker.
To create a shipment under Section 321, click Create new Shipment. Under shipment type, choose Section 321 and create the rest as regular shipment. Note that while entering description, it would ask for the shipment value.
How to create a manifest if it has empty skids as well as shipment in it?
To create a shipment like this, choose the manifest type as “Standard Manifest” and IIT as “IITs covered by Importer bond plus merchandise”.
Do I have to pay extra for ACI?
Yes, ACI has its own monthly plan to access Avaal e-Manifest Portal. For more information, visit our pricing for Avaal e-Manifest.
What is ACI?
Avaal e-Manifest Portal is now fully featured to support ACI (Advance Commercial Information)! ACI will allow drivers to cross the border into Canada from the U.S. Avaal is in partnership with CBSA to integrate ACI according to their roll-out plan. This will allows companies to slowly accommodate themselves and take full advantage of ACI and maximize profits.